Co-chair of Governors
Having joined the Governing Board in 2017 I can honestly say that the last two years has been a tremendous learning curve for a first-time governor. I have learned so much, especially some of the many 3-letter acronyms which litter the lexicon of education.
Having spent 30+ years in the field of Human Resource development, specialising in management training, personal and organisational development I have sought to bring my skills in strategic planning, organisational change and management, people development and communications to the board.
My latter career was spent in publishing as editor of a national trade magazine for Christian retailers and I am passionate about encouraging people of all ages (but especially boys) to engage with books. For some while now I have been visiting school weekly to work on a one-to-one basis with the Year 6 pupils and this has been very rewarding for me personally.
I am the Safeguarding Link Governor, as well as a member of a number of other committees, and am pleased to be working closely with the staff in this important part of school life. I am proud to be associated with this lovely school and hope to continue making a positive contribution in the years ahead.