About the School
St John's Meads is a Church of England voluntary aided primary school in the Diocese of Chichester.
There are currently 218 children on roll.
The school is one-form entry.
Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 (KS1) Infant classes are Reception , Year 1 and Year .2
Key Stage 2 (KS2) Junior classes are Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6.
St John's Meads has a Christian ethos and aims to provide a caring environment in which pupils are encouraged to reach their full potential in academic work and a wide range of extra-curricular activities.
Children can arrive from 8:40am-8:55am (official start of day 8.55am). Collection is from 3:15pm-3:25pm (official end of day 3.15pm). This amounts to a minimum of 31 hours 40 minutes per week.
Our Aims & Ethos
Our aim is for every child to become a first class version of themselves. We strive to provide or impart:
- a love of learning for its own sake;
- a foundation of knowledge from a rich and creative curriculum and a set of skills with which to understand and question the world that we live in;
- an awareness of, and appreciation of, the spiritual dimension in our lives;
- an enthusiasm for the world beyond the classroom - in particular, art, sport, music and the performing arts;
- a respect for others and a recognition that the efforts and achievements of every individual in our community are valued equally;
- a pathway that encourages initiative and develops self confidence
School Rules
Work Hard
Take Care
Be Kind
I will also:
- Come to school on time
- Wear smart school uniform
- Appreciate opportunities I am given