Volunteer Helpers

Volunteers give their time, effort, enthusiasm and experience to help in school. They offer help with activities such as:

  • Assisting with reading and small group activities
  • Walking with classes for visits to facilities in the local area
  • Accompanying classes on educational visits;
  • Transporting children to off-site visits
  • Helping on themed days, eg. World Book Day
  • Assisting in group activities, dance, music, cookery

If you would like to help, please arrange a convenient date with the school office when you can meet informally with the headteacher or a member of the senior leadership team. At this informal meeting the volunteer guidelines will be explained. All volunteers need to have a DBS clearance before they can start to work alongside children in the school.

Helpers can be assured that their services are greatly appreciated and of genuine help to both children and staff alike.