School Development Priorities for 2022-2023

1. Quality of Education

1.1 To raise attainment in writing to be in line with reading.
1.2 To create and implement a writing curriculum that is ambitious, coherent and well sequenced.
1.3 To further embed AfL approaches, including the use of adaptive practice to meet the needs of all pupils, including the most able.

2. Behaviour and Attitudes

2.1 To support pupils to make a tangible contribution to the life of the school and the wider community.
Foci: School council, wellbeing of others, self-control, playground behaviour and activities, Malawi Link.

3. Personal Development

3.1 To demonstrate excellence in Personal Development through the achievement of the Artsmark.
Foci: spiritual and cultural, equality diversity and adaptive practise.

4. Leadership and Management

4.1 To ensure all teaching and learning policies secure the school’s ambitious vision, articulate best practise at SJM and are
implemented fully.
4.2 To provide focussed CPD to build teachers’ subject and pedagogical knowledge over time.
4.3 To secure accurate summative assessments that inform strategic decisions and actions.

5. Early Years Foundation Stage

5.1 To raise attainment in writing to be in line with other areas of learning in EYFS
5.2 To ensure the curriculum is shaped to meet the needs of the children.
5.3 To ensure children with SEND and other vulnerable groups achieve the best possible outcomes.