Our curriculum offer is shaped by our school vision:
Loving learning and loving one another, as God loves us.
Celebrating success in its many forms and overcoming challenges.
Praying for and caring for our whole community.
Learning to live in the light of Christ and as a light to others.
Alongside the core skills of reading, writing and maths, we offer a broad and balanced curriculum, including History, Geography, Science, Computing and PE, and we have subject specialist teachers for Music, Art and Spanish. We support children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development through daily collective worship and regular Religious Education and ‘Pastoral Care’ lessons. To complement this, our PSHE curriculum (Jigsaw) also ensures that we meet our statutory duties under the Equalities Act (2010), and our approach to celebrating differences and challenging discrimination is clear throughout our policies and practices. In line with the SEND regulation (2014), all children are supported to access the full curriculum, with differentiation, adaptation and support in place for identified children where needed.
We are committed to promoting children’s positive mental health and developing skills for life, alongside a love of learning. As part of this commitment, our curriculum includes regular outdoor learning across the curriculum as well as Forest School, and Beach School.