Meals & Snacks

Morning Play

Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 have fruit provided free of charge by the Government’s fruit and vegetable scheme.

Children in Key Stage 2 are offered free fruit every Friday as part of a ‘Fruit Bank’ scheme initiated by Prefects, which they hope to extend.


Please do not put any nuts or nut based foods into your children’s packed lunches.
We have children in the school who are severely allergic to nuts resulting in anaphylactic shock.

Packed lunches should aim to include:

• Some starchy foods such as bread (sliced bread, pitta bread, wraps, bagels), pasta, potatoes, couscous; choose wholegrain where possible
• 1 portion of fruit and 1 portion of vegetables or salad
• Dairy food such as cheese or yoghurt
• Meat, fish, or another source of protein such as eggs, beans and pulses, hummus, falafel

Packed lunches should not include:

• Chocolate / sweets
• Any items containing nuts

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